Three years ago today we sent out the following:
'In a time when facts are stranger than fiction, when one person’s truth is another person’s lie, when you wish that someone would call out ‘April Fools’ and bring the world back on track, we invite you to take a chance and venture out beyond your comfort zone.'
Well, since then, the world has only gotten stranger and stranger, and our comfort zone seems but a figment of our imagination. Indeed it seems the (dis)comfort zone has become our new default setting.
No better time, therefore, than the present to remind ourselves that life is more than virus and violence, and that, as always, literature offers the respite and resolve we need to deal with whatever the future holds.
So, we have once again wrapped and wrapped and wrapped lots of great, interesting, funny, sad, quirky, mind-bending, serious, scary, beautiful books in brown paper with no labels and invite you to mark your calendars and drop by the shop tomorrow
Friday April 1 and/or Saturday April 2nd
where the window will be overflowing with books at 30,- a piece. This year we are even adding a few cookbooks and coffee table books at 50,- a pop!
The catch: you won’t know what you're getting, so what you get might be just what you didn’t know you were looking for.
We look forward to seeing you at the shop!
Your friendly Books & Company staff