And he huffed and he puffed


Dear friends,

In just a few hours Joseph R. Biden and Kamala Harris will be sworn in as President and Vice President of the United States of America, bringing to an end what has arguably felt like the longest four-year term in history.

With a to-do list unprecedented in size and scope, it will be a challenge for the incoming administration to not stumble as they hit the ground sprinting.

The past four years with a divisive, deceitful, and uniquely self-serving president, have emphasized the greatest challenges facing President-elect Biden; the glaring inequality and disenfranchisement that has resulted in social and racial unrest, a Covid-19 death toll of over 400.000 and the millions of Americans who believe the election was fraudulent.

Four years ago we watched in disbelief as Donald J Trump took an oath he had no intention of upholding. We watched as the ‘Big Bad Wolf’ entered the stage and slowly but surely started dismantling all that had been built. And for a while there it looked like the houses were made of sticks and of straw.

So he huffed and he puffed, and he (almost) blew the house down. 

Now the wolf is gone and the house, while still standing, is in dire need of repair. Except this time it will have to be with bricks, and the mortar must come from a more inclusive, more equal society; a less polarized nation where the shrill voices of power-hungry politicians and fringe movements are drowned out by a majority voice for the common good. 

America, and indeed the world, will be watching as the man who has himself come back time and time again from the brink of personal tragedy and political failure, seizes this immense opportunity, matched only in magnitude by the challenge, to bring back the country not to its former glory but forward to a more glorious future. 

Isabella Smith