The right side of history


The world does not stand still not even for a malevolent virus. It continues to spin and allows history to repeat itself.  While these are not unprecedented times, they are in the perfect storm of 2020 their own brand of extraordinary, and we will, as we have been in the past, be defined by the paths we choose and the lessons we learn. We have yet again been afforded the opportunity to place ourselves on the right side of history.

It is truly maddening to realize that in spite of how far we have come as a species, we still have so far to go when it comes to the basics. Basic human rights, basic acts of decency, basic respect for other human beings, The Basics. The fire raging across America should be a  reflection of the fire blazing not only in the hearts of black and brown Americans but in the soul of every man and woman who believes in equal rights for all. Until we recognize and accept that this is a struggle for all, we won’t achieve victory for any. 

At Books & Company we throw around the word community with good reason. Time and again we are reminded that we are surrounded and supported by customers, friends, readers of all stripes who have one thing in common; a love not just of books, but of the worlds they open up; the pathways to understanding, empathy and (hopefully) enlightenment.  

It is therefore not entirely surprising that in the wake of the horrific killing of George Floyd many of us have turned to books to help explain who we are, where we are and where we can go from here. Like many other bookstores, publishers and writers across the globe, we have promoted books and (virtual) events that can help us understand. 

But we wanted to do more and just as we were trying to figure out what that would be, an email ticked in from longtime friends of Books & Company, leva and Carsten Dan. They had an idea and were wondering if we could help. 

They wanted to donate 2.500,- kroner for books on the subject of racism, because as they said:

“While we are not sure what is the best way to help, we know that knowledge is critical.”

We are therefore thrilled and grateful to be able to announce that we now have a library of books (fiction and non-fiction) on the subject of racism and social injustice. All we ask is that once you have read the book you pass it on to someone you know, so they too can share in the knowledge you have gained. If you have any questions, please come by the shop or email us.

We know that this needs to be a marathon not a sprint, and that real change requires dedication, thoughtfulness and commitment. Thanks to the generosity (and genius) of Ieva and Carsten Dan we hope to understand - and do - better. 

Isabella Smith