Community in the time of Covid-19


Dear friends,

How quickly things change. 

One minute we are discussing Brexit, impeachment, climate change and some strange virus in a far flung province of China and the next minute we are closing doors and shutting borders in an attempt to contain the spread of said virus right here in our own backyard.

Just as we were debating whether the world with its hostile political climate and growing polarization had ever been worse off (which, of course, it has), a virus turns up to put everything into stark relief and expose the weaknesses - and strengths - of our societies. 

It seems there is nothing like illness and potential loss of life to focus the mind and reveal our true colors. Politicians step up and communities come together. Yes, there are stories of hoarding and strange behavior, but they are far outnumbered by stories of helpfulness, generosity, support and understanding. The next weeks and months will surely test us all, but if the last few days are anything to go by, we are plenty capable of weathering this storm.

Things have also changed for us at Books & Company. 

The events we had planned have been canceled or postponed, and while we continue to serve our community as best - and as safely - as we can, we are becoming increasingly aware of the changes necessary to continue doing so while helping to ‘flatten the curve’ and minimize the risk of the spread.

As a small independent business we are, and have always been, very conscious of the fact that to survive - and thrive - we must constantly adapt. 

Never in our more than 10 year history has this been more true than now.


Just two days ago we introduced the new Books & Company Delivery Service.

This service allows you to place orders with us by email, or by phone - preferably email - on Instagram (booksandcompanydk) or via and pay via MobilePay or bank transfer.

You can then choose to pick up your order at the store (we will gladly bring it out to you, if you would rather not come inside) or we can deliver it to your home address for free. 

If you aren’t sure what to read next, we are ready to help. We have suggestions for fiction and for non-fiction, for a mix of both, for young and for old; we have books for homebodies and for armchair travellers.  Just let us know what you like and we will put together a selection to see you through the next few weeks. We will even throw in a few surprises.

We hope you will take this opportunity to not only practice what is certain to become the word(s) of 2020, namely ‘social distancing’, but also to step away from the news for just a little while and lose yourself in a good book. We guarantee you won’t regret it - and you might even sleep better.

Community means everything to us and the past few days have once again reminded us how loyal and supportive our friends and customers are. For that we are very very grateful. Thank you!

Warm regards, stay safe and remember to wash your hands!

Isabella Smith